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First snow in Kyoto

Category: Nature, Monthly
It's been a few more days this year.Preparations for the New Year are a little more.
There are lots of things to do, such as replacing the paper shide, putting a shimenawa on the mound, cleaning the precincts, the main shrine and the shrine office, changing the flowers, changing the signboard in front of the main shrine for the New Year.
The first snow fell in Kyoto yesterday due to the cold weather at the end of the year.In Fushimi Inari, it was only slightly piled up on the roof and tree branches, but it was a severely cold morning.Even so, the approach is lively with worshipers and foreign tourists.

We are making steady progress

Category: Festival events
Preparations for the New Year are steadily progressing.
Today, a lantern shop came to replace the new lanterns.The new lanterns are crispy and refreshing.Mr. Fudo also exchanged the apron received from Mr. Ko Suematsu and renewed the poster in the precincts.The Yakudoshi chronology is also for next year.
I removed the overflowing Omikuji, put it on the fire, and replaced it with a new rope.Who is the first person to tie a fortune?

Preparing for the new year

Category: Festival events
Kuchiiri Inarisha Thanksgiving Day was also held safely, and while it was fluttering, this year is also a little in the second half of the month.The greeting with the people who came to worship also said, "Happy New Year."
Today I remade the skewer.It is a sacred tool used for praying.Cut Japanese paper and tie it with hemp to make it. Araki Jinja's Harae skewers use Mino Japanese paper, which was made over 100 years ago.I continue to use what I bought a lot in the past.Even if you use it for prayer for a year, it will not break or tear, it is light and durable, and it makes a very good sound when shaken.

I replaced the paper shide.

Category: Nature, Monthly
I changed the paper shide every month.I also cleaned the precincts yesterday.
In addition to the preparations for Kuchiiri Inarisha Thanksgiving, preparations for the New Year are steadily progressing.This year is another month.Let's tighten our minds.
I found it while cleaning the precincts.Even in such a place, the leaves are colored. It is a small leaf about 1 cm.

I changed the flowers.

Category: Monthly
We changed the flowers every month.As it has become cooler, fresh flowers have come to last longer.
The maples behind Kobo-san have also turned red.
Araki Jinja
12-3, Fukakusakaidoguchicho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
FAX: 075-644-0170
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