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From Inariyama


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Spring is just around the corner

Category: Nature, Monthly
Today is the last day in February, when the cold weather continued.It has become a little warmer during the day since yesterday.It was warm in the daytime today, and I heard the warbler's voice for the first time this year.There will be cold days in the future, but it seems that spring will come day by day.
But in the world, there are many worrisome things happening every day. Inside Mitsuka, which was dedicated to the precincts of Araki Jinja 
There is a god called Tensen Inari Okami.It was erected around the beginning of World War II.It makes me think about the meaning of this God's dedication.
We look forward to your visit in the hope of good health and peace in the day.

We went to the Hatsuuma Festival.

Category: Festival events
The Hatsuuma Festival was held from 2 am on February 10th.

There are many snowy days this year, and cold days continue every day, but the setsubun has passed and the plum buds have been colored and have come a little.You can hear the footsteps of spring that much.However, the infection of the new corona has also spread.Some believers have become positive or have been recognized as close contacts and could not come to worship.We still have to be careful and prevent infection.

It snowed in Kyoto as well.

Category: Nature 
With the snow that started falling last night, the precincts are also covered with snow this morning.
The temperature dropped to -1 ° C, so I could see snowflakes, which is rare in Fushimi Inari, but when the sun rose, it began to melt in a blink of an eye.There is not much snow on the approach road, but it is slippery, so be careful of your feet and wear non-slip shoes.

New Year's Eve

This year is just around the corner.
Fushimi Inari on New Year's Eve is a cold day with flickering snow.The preparations for the New Year, such as the Shimenawa of Mitsuka and the Shinsen of the main shrine, are almost complete.
The cold weather is likely to get severe on New Year's Day.Please be sure to protect yourself from the cold during your first visit.

4 days later this year

Category: Nature, Monthly
It's finally a little more this year.
I'm busy preparing for the New Year, but it's been very cold since yesterday in Kyoto.In the morning, the snow was thinly piled up on the roof, but the approach was a little frozen and I had to be careful not to slip.
The lanterns have also been renewed, and the dolls with mouths have also been removed.We are all ready for the coming back doll.
I wonder if there are so many people who come to visit us.Please continue to worship safely without being careful about infection prevention.
Araki Jinja
12-3, Fukakusakaidoguchicho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
FAX: 075-644-0170
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