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From Inariyama


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New Year's Eve

Category: Festival events, monthly
The second year of Reiwa, which was at the mercy of the new coronavirus, was also New Year's Eve.It was a very cold morning with a little snow, but preparations for the New Year are proceeding smoothly.
It seems that trains that operate all day usually stop at midnight this year, so I may be confused by various different New Year holidays, but I hope that you will come and visit us safely.
We are also ready to welcome the mouth-watering doll.
Omikuji also has plenty of space.
Omikuji that was full

Shinji's apron

Category: Other
At this time, Mr. Shinji's apron in Mt. Inari was replaced with a new one.Someone dedicated it with gratitude and prayer, but how many genus are there in Mt. Inari?The bright red apron adds color to Mt. Inari, where the autumn leaves have ended.

Preparing for the new year

Category: Nature, Other
After Thanksgiving at Kuchiiri Inari, we are ready for the New Year.
This year too, I received an apron from Mr. Fudo from Mr. Suematsu, so I exchanged it.I would like to welcome the new year with a new feeling with a pure white apron.
It's almost winter, but the autumn leaves still have the last beauty along the approach road in front of Araki Jinja.If the north wind blows, it will be scattered in a blink of an eye, but it seems that you can enjoy it a little more.

Kuchiiri Inarisha Thanksgiving Day was held.

Category: Festival events
From 2:12 am on Sunday, December 6, 8nd year of Reiwa
Kuchiiri Inarisha Thanksgiving Day was held.
Many of the returned dolls will be lowered by the end of the year and returned to the soil. 

Monthly annual

Category: Monthly
Monthly replacement of paper shide We were able to replace the flowers.
I change the paper shide in the early morning when there are still few worshipers, but this month it took a long time because my fingertips were gnawed.The other day, I said "it's hot in the summer" and "the autumn leaves are late", but it's already winter season.Let's be more and more careful about infectious disease countermeasures.
Kyoto city illuminated by the morning sun
Araki Jinja
12-3, Fukakusakaidoguchicho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
FAX: 075-644-0170
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