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Wasp forecast!

Category: Nature, Other
The typhoon prediction of the wasp was hit.It seems that a typhoon is coming again. .. (See the blog on July 7th)
In normal years, there are few direct hits in the Kinki region, but this year is the second time.Information on damage has already been released in rural areas along the course of the typhoon.Yesterday, at our shrine, we removed the bamboo blinds, hanging lanterns, lanterns, etc. and fixed the lanterns to prepare.This afternoon, we will clean up signs, trash cans, and other items that may fly in the wind to prepare for a typhoon.Follow the wasps and be prepared early!

Tomorrow is the festival of Chungyang.

Category: Festival events
Asahi and spider web
 It rained heavily yesterday, but today it has been fine since morning.The sunlight was strong, but the wind was refreshing and I felt that the sky was rising.Even today on weekdays, many worshipers are visiting Miyama.
 Tomorrow September 9th will be one of the five festivals, "Chuyo no Sekku".In the Yin-Yang idea, odd numbers are the number of yang, even numbers are the number of yin, and the days when odd numbers overlap are considered ominous because the yang is too strong. It is said that it turned into a celebration. In "Chuyo no Sekku", decorate the chrysanthemum flowers and drink sake with chrysanthemum petals floating to get rid of evil and wish for longevity. Compared to "Hinamatsuri" and "Tango no Sekku", it has been forgotten in recent years, but it is also wonderful to think of the ancient city and wish for healthy longevity gracefully.

Your day is ready.

Category: Nature, Monthly
 We were able to clean the precincts at the end of the month, replace the paper shide, and replace the flowers of Mr. Fudo and Mr. Kobo.It's still hot during the day, but the breeze still feels a little cooler and it's much easier to work outside.According to the weather forecast, the heat will subside in September and the residual heat will be better, so it seems that autumn will come early this year.
 The flowers are still artificial flowers, but they are seasonal flowers, autumn cherry blossoms.
Suddenly, when I saw Mr. Inari Kuchiiri, a cicada was clinging to the returned doll. You might be told, "It's painful to cling to that."

This month's flowers

Category: Nature, Monthly

Signs of autumn

Category: Nature 
 Yesterday was a cloudy and a little cool day.When the sun went down, the cicadas that had been singing all night until a while ago became quiet, and autumn insects such as crickets began to sing.It was so cool and refreshing this morning that I felt chilly with a short-sleeved T-shirt.Insects that suddenly drop in temperature and become stuck in the morning are left behind in the precincts.The silk moth is a large moth about 1 cm long and looks like Mothra and is a little cute.
 However, while it is cool, the temperature rises as the sun rises, and today's highest temperature in Kyoto is 35 ° C.I need a little more patience.
Silk moth 
Abra seminar
Araki Jinja
12-3, Fukakusakaidoguchicho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
FAX: 075-644-0170
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